Hey, Ya’ll!! I was torn about when to release a new episode, but the inspiration was just too great today! Take a listen in this episode about that dilemma, a debate about the TV sitcom “Friends”, and other interesting nuggets that you may or not find funny or useful
I look forward to continuing this conversation with you on Twitter, IG, and Facebook: @LaKendraSpks or on my website: www.LaKendraGarrison.com. You can also email me at [email protected]. Oh and if you would like an “I Just Wanna Talk” journal use this promo code (that I clearly forgot while I was recording) until January 31, 2021: #iJournal2021 Tell your friends, family, and colleagues to look me up on iHeartRadio, Pandora, and ask Alexa to play I Just Wanna Talk on Amazon Music! Intro and outro sounds are from my friend, Maestro Tommy Polynice, and his sister, Judy! If you need musical talent, hit up the Maestro! Other promised resources: Appendix, Inc has therapy groups for LGBTQ+ and Black women. Reach out to Berthina McGill, LMHC, LPC at [email protected] to join. All new paying clients will receive an I Just Wanna Write journal! Ebunny Creations is my local source for 100% soy candles! Use promo code IJWTT (yes, two T’s) to get 20% off your first order now! Check out our podcast network site for other podcasts I REALLY think you should listen to http://www.imagnville.com/
Ya’ll…Happy New Year! I am thankful to be in this new year with you and able to have a new conversation. Honey, can we encourage one another to show up in 2021? In this episode, I share why I no longer do a New Year resolution and why it is important for me to pay it forward. Join me!
I look forward to continuing this conversation with you on Twitter, IG, and Facebook: @LaKendraSpks or on my website: www.LaKendraGarrison.com. You can also email me at [email protected]. Oh and if you would like an “I Just Wanna Talk” journal, let me know! Tell your friends to look me up on iHeartRadio, Pandora, and ask Alexa to play I Just Wanna Talk on Amazon Music! Intro and outro sounds are from Sir Flame’s new track "Off the Script". Check out the full track wherever you listen to music online! Check out our podcast network site for other podcasts I REALLY think you should listen to http://www.imagnville.com/ |
AuthorLa'Kendra D. Garrison |